We are a church that loves Jesus and wants to be known for God’s Presence and His unwavering Love. Our ultimate mission is to experience the Love of God, and give it away…

Life Center is a church based in Harrisburg, PA. Since our earliest beginnings over 30 years ago, we have been marked by a devotion to the Word of God and its creative power. Our deepest longing has been to encounter God through unrestrained worship, passionate prayer, and unwavering obedience. These foundations have shaped us into who we are today.
Charles and Anne Stock encountered God in 1972 in the Jesus Movement and married that same year. Their passion for God’s Presence and His Word led them to Bethany Bible College, a ministerial internship, evangelizing with the Jesus people, pastoring a community church in Northern California, and an adventure to Pennsylvania to ultimately pastor Life Center in 1988. It is their privilege to lead and inspire.

We believe that the Holy Bible is 100% the Word of God. The scriptures are infallible, inerrant, and the
sole and final authority for all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe in the eternal Godhead who has revealed Himself as the one God existing in three persons or manifestations, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, distinguishable, but inseparable.
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of men, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, truly God and truly man.
We believe Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, personally appearing to His disciples.
We believe in the bodily ascension of Jesus to heaven, his exaltation, and personal, literal, and bodily coming again the second time for His church.
We believe in the creation, test and fall of man as recorded in Genesis, his total depravity and inability to attain divine righteousness by his own efforts.
We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in the perfect and sufficient work of the cross of Calvary by which we obtain remission of sin and regeneration of our human spirits. Without this experience, referred to as being “born again,” we cannot experience God’s salvation.
We believe in water baptism by immersion in the Name of the eternal Godhead in obedience to the command of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as a real experience at or subsequent to salvation with the normal scriptural evidence of speaking in tongues.
We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit today as manifested in the early church.
We believe in the spirit-filled life, a life of separation from the corrupt values and ethics of the surrounding culture, and a life of growth in holiness in the reverential fear of God as expressing the true Christian faith.
We believe that the healing of the body by God’s power was provided for in the atonement and is available today in its varied aspects as practiced in the early church.
We believe in the Lord’s table or communion for believers. We believe that this is more than just a memorial, that the Lord is present in a unique way when the bread and wine are shared in remembrance of His death. There is a release of grace or judgment upon those who partake.
We believe in the reality and personality of the devil and eternal judgment in the lake of fire for the devil and his angels.
We believe in eternal life and blessing in the presence of God for believers and eternal punishment for unbelievers.
We believe that there is one true universal church made up of genuine believers composed of many local congregations.
We believe that normal New Testament Christianity involves the regular meeting or assembling of the believers together for the purposes of worship, prayer, instruction in the Word of God, and fellowship.