life center’s 18-25 year olds.

we exist to see college students and young professionals grow deeper in their relationship with God and with others.

young adults (18-25 year olds)

we meet every thursday at life center :)

next meeting — 6:30pm thursday, march 27

location: Life Center Ministries (in the youth room!)

411 South 40th St, Harrisburg PA 17111

pillars of young adults:

“We pursue His presence from a place of prayer, living in His word and for His people.”

Presence - we pursue God’s presence, asking His Holy Spirit to guide each and every area of our lives

Prayer - we live from a place of prayer, asking God to do what only He can do

God’s Word - we spend time in God’s Word (the Bible). Reading His Word fills our lives with truth, and refreshes us with His love

People - out of the abundance of God’s love flowing through us, we serve His people and lay down our lives for others, because He first laid down His life for us. 

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